Friday, January 1, 2010

Yours truly in "full battle rattle", with combat load of ammo (210 rounds). I went to another FOB (by way of Blackhawk helicopter) the other day to pick up some gear. This is how we dress when we go outside of the wire.
My desk at the office. My editing station is on the left and my normal computers and phones are on the right.

The outside of my CHU (containerized housing unit). I have a room to myself. The flowers are fake and were here before I got here. I have to admit, they do add some color.

The sign outside of the brigade's HQ. These are the guys that I am supporting. The Brigade Commander is a stereotypical commander. Actually, at 6'5'' he is the tallest guy on the FOB. He looks very imposing, but I suppose that is a good thing.


  1. I thought I had left a comment. I guess not. Love the outfit and the fake flowers are the best.Your office looks confinning I admire you to sit in their all day and not go stir crazy. We love you and miss you a trillion bits!

  2. so, how did i not know you had your own blog. i just happened on it while checking songsty's out. anyway, we love you and pray for you daily. hope all is well.
